RCRCM activities
F3B WC 2017
RCRCM is the official sponsor of 2017 F3B WC, the 300 made a great performance in the competition, it is an amazing glider, please check this out! F3B WC 2017
Flugmodell election
The German major magazine "Flugmodell" has done an election by their readers, more than 10.000 have elected the model of their favour. The EMC-Vega-edition of the RCRCM-Tomcat was elected for the third place – Bronce medal category glider. Congratulations!!!
Team USA F3J
RCRCM is the official sponsor of the Team USA F3J in Giant RC Raffle. http://www.teamusaf3j.com/?page_id=1843
F3B WC 2015
RCRCM is the official sponsor for 2015 F3B WC in Holland, the F3B glider - Tabu in the competition, check this out!